Дома из бревна проекты и цены: проекты для строительства с фото и ценами — Лесстрой

проекты для строительства с фото и ценами — Лесстрой Дома из оцилиндрованного бревна в Московской области

3,9047619047619 5 21

руб 570763 to 2936000 from 21 sellers

Лесстрой нашел и предлагает для строительства 1040 проектов домов из оцилиндрованного бревна в Московской области с фото, подробным описанием, отзывами и ценами: от недорогих до элитных.

Лесстрой нашел и предлагает для строительства 1040 проектов домов из оцилиндрованного бревна в Московской области с фото, подробным описанием, отзывами и ценами: от недорогих до элитных.

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цене (сначала недорогие) цене (сначала дорогие) площади (маленькие) площади (большие) рейтингу (от большего к меньшему) рейтингу (от меньшего к большему) дате добавления (новые) дате добавления (старые)

проекты для строительства с фото и ценами — Лесстрой Дома из бревна в Московской области

4,0452380952381 5 21

руб 494090 to 3339936 from 21 sellers

Лесстрой нашел и предлагает для строительства 1439 проектов домов из бревна в Московской области с фото, подробным описанием, отзывами и ценами: от недорогих до элитных.

Лесстрой нашел и предлагает для строительства 1439 проектов домов из бревна в Московской области с фото, подробным описанием, отзывами и ценами: от недорогих до элитных.

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цене (сначала недорогие) цене (сначала дорогие) площади (маленькие) площади (большие) рейтингу (от большего к меньшему) рейтингу (от меньшего к большему) дате добавления (новые) дате добавления (старые)

проекты и цены на строительство в Москве

Специальные предложения

Из оцилиндрованного бревна

Из оцилиндрованного бревна

Из оцилиндрованного бревна

Из оцилиндрованного бревна

Дома из оцилиндрованного бревна красиво выглядят, обеспечивают высокий уровень уюта и комфорта, долго служат своим владельцам. Компания Ivales проектирует и возводит такие строения. У нас вы можете заказать строительство под ключ и точно в оговоренный срок получить в свое распоряжение красивый и уютный дом.

Оцилиндрованное бревно: что это такое?

Это популярный материал, который применяется при строительстве жилых домов и коттеджей, а также бань и различных хозяйственных сооружений. Он производится промышленным способом: в результате механической обработки, которую называют оцилиндровкой, снимается верхний слой древесины, и бревно приобретает безупречно округлую форму.

Оцилиндрованное бревно тщательно просушивается, а затем обрабатывается специальными составами, улучшающими эксплуатационные характеристики. Строить из такого материала просто и удобно, и сочетание традиций русского деревянного зодчества с современными технологиями позволяет возводить красивые и долговечные дома с минимальными затратами времени.

Преимущества домов из оцилиндрованного бревна

Такие дома обладают всеми преимуществами, которые есть у деревянных строений. Это:

  • возможность обойтись без солидного фундамента благодаря сравнительно небольшому весу сруба;
  • экологичность — дерево является натуральным материалом, оно обеспечивает естественный воздухообмен и поддерживает приятный для человека микроклимат;
  • долговечность — здание прослужит владельцам не одно десятилетие, а дом из оцилиндрованного бревна еще и обладает превосходной сейсмоустойчивостью;
  • быстрое возведение.
  • Отдельно следует отметить хорошие эстетические характеристики. Заготовки одного диаметра, имеющие ровную, гладкую поверхность, красиво выглядят и не нуждаются в дополнительной внешней обработке и отделке.

    В соответствии с вашими потребностями

    Компания «Ивалес» предлагает:

    • выбрать один из уже созданных проектов, представленных на сайте;
    • заказать разработку индивидуального проекта, полностью соответствующего вашим пожеланиям.

    Обращайтесь к нам, и мы построим дом, в котором приятно будет жить. Большой опыт и высокая квалификация сотрудников позволяют нам успешно решать даже самые сложные задачи. Менеджеры компании Ivales готовы оперативно ответить на ваши вопросы.

проекты для строительства с фото и ценами — Лесстрой Дома из рубленного бревна в Московской области

3,2404761904762 5 21

руб 280000 to 11232976 from 21 sellers

Лесстрой нашел и предлагает для строительства 338 проектов домов из рубленного бревна в Московской области с фото, подробным описанием, отзывами и ценами: от недорогих до элитных.

Лесстрой нашел и предлагает для строительства 338 проектов домов из рубленного бревна в Московской области с фото, подробным описанием, отзывами и ценами: от недорогих до элитных.

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цене (сначала недорогие) цене (сначала дорогие) площади (маленькие) площади (большие) рейтингу (от большего к меньшему) рейтингу (от меньшего к большему) дате добавления (новые) дате добавления (старые)

проекты для строительства с фото и ценами — Лесстрой Дома из оцилиндрованного бревна в Химках

3,9047619047619 5 21

руб 625307 to 3339936 from 21 sellers

Лесстрой нашел и предлагает для строительства 1040 проектов домов из оцилиндрованного бревна в Химках с фото, подробным описанием, отзывами и ценами: от недорогих до элитных.

Лесстрой нашел и предлагает для строительства 1040 проектов домов из оцилиндрованного бревна в Химках с фото, подробным описанием, отзывами и ценами: от недорогих до элитных.

Сортировать по:

цене (сначала недорогие) цене (сначала дорогие) площади (маленькие) площади (большие) рейтингу (от большего к меньшему) рейтингу (от меньшего к большему) дате добавления (новые) дате добавления (старые)

строительство деревянных домов из бревна под ключ в Москве

Гарантия 5 лет

Строим по собственным авторским проектам и по проектам заказчика

При подписании договора вернем стоимость разработки проекта

Работаем официально по договору. Фиксированная цена. Поэтапная оплата

Квалифицированные бригады, все рабочие граждане РФ

Бесплатный выезд специалиста

Построим дом, даже если на участке нет электричества

Качественные материалы — используется хвойный северный лес

Отсутствие скрытых платежей

Ваше удобство — наша работа (строим под ключ)


Бесплатная доставка по Москве, Московской области

Проекты деревянных домов из бревна. Цены на срубы и коттеджи в Санкт-Петербурге

Технология ручной рубки позволяет изготовить надёжные и долговечные деревянные дома по проекту любой сложности. Бревно не требует дополнительной отделки и отлично сохраняет тепло, поэтому деревянные дома и пользуются такой популярностью.

В нашей компании работают три архитектора, которые создают очень разные проекты домов: от небольших 9,7х6,7, до солидных 13х15,5. По желанию Заказчика мы можем внести в проект любые изменения или изготовить новый, на основе Ваших идей. С типовыми и авторскими проектами можно познакомиться прямо сейчас в нашем каталоге. 

Проекты рубленых домов отличаются не только площадью, но и видом дерева, этажностью, наличием террасы и мансарды. 

Проекты одноэтажных домов из бревна

Тем, кто имеет достаточно просторный участок, подойдут одноэтажные срубы. Такие дома очень популярны и у нас есть ряд проектов, которые могут вам понравится.

Шуберт — это 95м2 площади, светлая кухня, совмещенная с гостиной и две спальни, разделенные ванной.

Твардовский более просторный, в нем 145,5 м2, а также мансарда 22,5м2. 

Самый большой из наших одноэтажных домов из бревна —  Ломоносов. Подойдёт для большой семьи, ценителей свободного пространства или для тех, кто любит собирать у себя дома большие компании. В нём 193,5 м2 и целых две солнечных террасы. 

Проекты домов из бревна с мансардой

Как правило, двухярусный дом возводят при наличии небольшого участка. Так можно сэкономить место, не потеряв при этом, квадратные метры жилой площади. 

Вторым ярусом называют многоэтажный дом, где есть дополнительная площадь в формате мансарды или полноценного этажа. Главные отличия мансарды от второго этажа в том, что её высота может варьироваться под скатом, а стены этажа имеют одинаковую высоту по всему периметру и на них опираются стропила или кровля.

Проекты домов из бревна с террасой

Если вы любите проводить много времени на свежем воздухе, но цените комфорт, то вам наверняка понравятся наши проекты рубленых домов с террасой. К примеру, сруб Распутин или Рахманинов. В каждом из них 2 этажа и площадь более 150м2. К тому же, в проект Рахманинов входит бассейн на первом этаже, а также небольшое пространство для барбекю. 

Проекты каркасно-бревенчатых домов

Каркасно-бревенчатые срубы открывают широкий простор для архитектурных решений, а также отличаются эстетикой соединений брёвен. Познакомьтесь с нашими проектами Шолохов и Беляев, если хотите остановиться на срубе такого типа. 

Кроме того, вы можете выбрать вид дерева, который мы используем для строительства вашего дома. Проекты домов из бревна кедра и бревна лиственницы в полной мере представлены в нашем каталоге. Чтобы уточнить цену самого сруба, его сборки и выбрать комплектацию, оставьте заявку на главной странице или позвоните нам по номеру, указанному выше. 

Всегда рады помочь вам в выборе!

90000 Timber log houses | Price is important, but quality is essential! 90001 90002 90003 90004 Pick a timber house that suits your needs 90005 90004 Reasons to pick a log house made of glued laminated timber 90005 90008 01 90009 90010 Ecology and healthy lifestyle 90011 90008 Timber houses are made of sustainable and renewable materials — timber trees that have grown in ecologically clean forests.These are «green» houses, which can «breathe» and allow the natural circulation of air through their walls. You will not be bothered by an unpleasant dry feeling. 90009 90008 02 90009 90010 Durability 90011 90008 With proper maintenance, the log houses made of glulam timber could serve you for many years (some are known to last for hundreds of years).However, it is important to repaint them on time and to take care of the condition of the roof. 90009 90008 03 90009 90010 Prompt construction 90011 90008 A 180 m2 log house may be built in a little longer than a month. It will take 3 weeks to prepare the house elements and 3 weeks to assemble a house. 90009 90008 04 90009 90010 Architectural freedom 90011 90008 Use of glued laminated timber allows us to build homes with a more complex architecture when compared to other types of timber houses.The bending strength of this type of timber is up to 50% higher than that of ordinary timber. 90009 90032 90033 90008 There are many reasons why it is worth choosing a glued laminated timber (log) house. Our glulam log houses are environmentally-friendly, natural, durable, quickly built and have practically no architectural restrictions as to the design.90009 90008 This architectural freedom allows for limitless wishes while designing and building the house, in comparison to using other materials for the construction; for example, bricks or building blocks. We all agree that the price is essential; however, the quality is much more important, because a log house is a long-term investment in tomorrow. Therefore, we offer a good price to quality ratio. 90009 90004 90% of our products are exported to other countries 90005 90040 90041 90008 18 90009 90008 Countries 90009 90046 90041 90008 2 90009 90008 Awards 90009 90046 90041 90008 3 90009 90008 Certificates 90009 90046 90059 90004 Leave your worries to us: turnkey houses 90005 90040 90063 90008 1 90009 Analysis of our 90066 customer needs 90046 90068 90069 90070 90071 90072 90059 90008 1 90009 90008 Analysis of our customer needs 90009 90008 01 90009 90008 To us, each of our customers is unique.Therefore, our qualified specialists thoroughly examine their needs in order to offer the best solutions for a log house. 90009 90008 02 90009 90008 The timber house is designed according to all of the needs of the customer, which are clarified during the first stage. This includes all solutions — from the rooms to the engineering networks — and a 3D visualisation.90009 90008 03 90009 90008 It takes 3 weeks to manufacture the house elements at our factory, according to the prepared timber house design. The logs are prepared in such a way so as to ensure the minimum time consumption during the assembly and construction of a house in a place chosen by the customer. 90009 90008 04 90009 90008 The timber house elements that have been manufactured at the factory are mounted onto the foundation.First, we assemble the walls and the roof structures, and then add the roof covering. 90009 90008 05 90009 90008 Upon the completion of mounting the walls and roofs, we install the windows and doors, and then arrange the interior of the house. 90009 90008 06 90009 90008 Finally, we complete the surrounding area of ​​the assembled and equipped log house: we install terraces, bridges, sheds and walking paths, and plant grass on the lawn.90009 .90000 House Plans Search — Advanced House Plan Finder by Feature 90001 90002 If you’re using The Plan Collection search function feature and are not quite sure what the different options mean, here’s a quick explanation of the filter options that we commonly receive questions about: 90003 90004 90005 Architectural Styles 90006 90002 We have architectural styles to suit everyone.With thousands of plans we will have the perfect house plan for you, whether you are looking for the perfect ranch, a rustic cabin, or a farmhouse. Keep an open mind during your search, and click on a few different styles. We’ve had many customers who thought they wanted a Cape Cod and ended up purchasing a Craftsman. 90003 90009 90004 90005 Ceiling Height 90006 90002 This is a very specific option, and we would think twice before checking these boxes at the beginning of a search.It could really narrow your results — and some of our house plans have a mix of ceiling heights depending on the room. For instance, some Great Rooms may have 12-foot-high ceilings but the kitchen may only have 9-foot ceilings. The ceiling heights noted in the filter are typically the primary heights found on the first and / or second floor. 90003 90009 90004 90005 Special Features 90006 90002 Our interior options and special features are great to help narrow your search, but checking off too many features may limit your search results.It’s always better to have a broader search, and then you can modify a plan you love to incorporate the options you are looking for such as a mud room, workshop, or in-law suite. 90003 90009 90004 90005 Foundation Options 90006 90002 All of our plans come standard with one or more particular type of foundation. However, you can modify any of our plans to include the type of foundation you are looking for.For example, if you are looking at a home with a basement foundation and you would like a slab, just send us a modification request form and we can get you a free quote from the designer. Additionally, some of our plans have foundation options directly on the plan page. So you may be able to order the foundation without submitting a mod request. 90003 90009 90004 90005 Kitchen Features 90006 90002 Kitchens are the heart of the home and can often be the deciding factor on which house plan you choose.Whether you’re looking for a large island, a breakfast nook, or an amazing walk-in pantry, remember that all of the plans can be modified to exactly what you are looking for in your kitchen. 90003 90009 90004 90005 Master Suite Features 90006 90002 These features can be helpful if you are looking for something specific. For example, if you are searching for a two-story house plan and you would prefer to have the master bedroom on the main level — or the second floor — then checking off «main floor master» or «second floor master» is a good option.If you are searching for a one story house plan and would still like some privacy, check off the split master bedroom feature. A split master bedroom is on the opposite side of the house from the other bedrooms, allowing for a little quiet time. 90003 90009 90004 90005 Porches & Other Exterior Features 90006 90002 Who would not like a wrap-around porch for sipping iced tea or a huge covered lanai for grilling and entertaining? The choices in this section are all great options for your home.Keep in mind you can always modify a plan to exactly what you need. 90003 90009 90004 90005 Building Lot Type 90006 90002 If you’re looking for a very specific design to accommodate a narrow, sloping, or corner lot, this search filter can be useful. It will also limit your search results.Quite a few of our plans offer daylight basements as an option, so for sloping lots a search filter using foundation type might be more advantageous. If you find you’re not getting the results you want, we would leave this unchecked. 90003 90009 90004 90005 Garage Options 90006 90002 Most of our house plans come with a garage — but not all.In other cases, you may find a 2-car garage but would prefer a 3-car garage. If you find a plan that you love and you’d like to add or expand a garage, just send us a modification request with what type of garage you’re looking for (attached, detached, carport, 2-car, 3-car , etc.), and we’ll get you a free mod quote from the designer. Additionally, if you find a home plan that has a front entry garage and you would like a side entry or a plan that has 2 bays and you would like more, these can be modified as well.90003 90009 90004 90005 Exterior Wall Material 90006 90002 Our house designs use different types of exterior material depending on the individual house plan and its architectural style. Some have vinyl siding, aluminum siding, brick, rock / stone, stucco, or a combination thereof. This is usually a personal decision between you and your builder, although you can submit a modification request.90003 90009 90004 90005 Exterior Wall Framing 90006 90002 Many of our house plans are designed with 2×4 exterior wall framing. However, some are 2×6 or concrete. The type of exterior wall framing you decide to use is not only a personal choice but could possibly be a requirement from your local building department.Many homes built in areas that have extreme weather conditions may require 2×6 framing. It is always best to check with the local building department to see what the requirements are before purchasing a plan. Keep in mind that if you fall in love with home plan that has 2×4 framing, it can always be modified to 2×6. 90003 90009 90004 90005 Roof Type 90006 90002 It’s hard to believe, but there are all different kinds of roof type.From a gable roof to a hip roof, we have the style you’re looking for. Although most of our customers do not narrow their search by roof type, we find that the ones who do are builders. 90003 90009 90004 90005 Roof Pitch 90006 90002 Many of our customers are not looking at whether or not their dream home plan has an 8:12 or 9:12 roof slope but some of our builders are.So unless you are building in a development that has specific requirements or perhaps your local building department has specific codes, we would leave this section blank. 90003 90009 .90000 Log Home Floor Plans 90001 90002 Find the Right Log Home Plan 90003 90004 The process of searching for your log home plan is now fast and convenient with our user-friendly search service. By following this simple guide, you can find the exact type of log home plan you want within minutes: 90005 90006 90007 Click the search button 90008 90007 Click «architectural styles» 90008 90007 Click «log» 90008 90007 A list of log home plans will be displayed 90008 90007 Click «Open Quick Plan View» to see the different levels of the plan 90008 90007 Click «More Plan Info» to view more specifications and plan pricing for the CAD or PDF file 90008 90007 You can also view more plans from the same designer or ask questions about the plan 90008 90007 Ordering online is very easy — just click «Order Online» and follow the simple checkout process 90008 90023 90002 Types of Log Home Plans 90003 90004 Family Home Plans works in partnership with architects, building designers and other stakeholders in the building design industry to put together a collection of more than 30,000 home plans.We have various types of log home plans, including: 90005 90028 90007 Log home plans with garage 90008 90007 Log home plans for vacation 90008 90007 Log home plans with loft 90008 90007 Log home plans with master suite 90008 90007 Luxury log home plans 90008 90007 Log home plans with vaulted ceiling 90008 90007 Cottage style log home plans 90008 90007 Log cabin plans 90008 90045 90002 Why Family Home Plans? 90003 90004 We are fully committed to helping as many homeowners as we can to transform their dream into a reality.We do so by providing the largest collection of house plans at the best prices available online. Our online search system offers you the following benefits: 90005 90028 90007 90052 Time and cost savings: 90053 You can easily find the type of home plan you want within a few seconds. Such speed will enable you to save precious time and resources. You’ll also cut costs by finding a stock home design that will save you 80% of the cost of hiring an architect to draw a plan for you. 90054 90008 90007 90052 Price match guarantee: 90053 If you find any other site that’s offering the same plan for a lower price, we’ll give you a five percent discount on it.90054 90008 90007 90052 Ability to customize plans: 90053 Our home plans are not set in stone. You can easily request a modification that meets your unique needs and suits your lifestyle. 90008 90045 90002 Purchase Log Home Plans Here Today 90003 90004 To refine your search with more specifications, click on the search button at the top of this page. You can also give us a call now to learn more about any of the plans we offer. 90005 90002 A Guide to Log Home Plans 90003 90004 If you’re dreaming of building a log home but are not sure what plan to bring to your builders, do not worry.There are plenty of log cabin designs to choose from, especially when you purchase a plan from us at Family Home Plans. Before you decide on a plan, it helps to explore your options and examine the benefits of choosing a log house style for your home. In this guide, we’ll address a handful of common questions and other aspects of log home designs that entice so many to select cozy cabins as their future homes. 90005 90074 Common Features of Log Homes 90075 90004 A log house offers a stunning combination of simplicity and natural beauty.Many log homes earn their charm from the following common features: 90005 90028 90007 90052 Large windows: 90053 Because log cabins are often surrounded by peaceful wilderness, you want to let in as much natural light and scenery as possible. Many cabin plans achieve this by including large feature windows that provide gorgeous views and plenty of light. 90008 90007 90052 Unique materials: 90053 Textured logs and other natural materials in a log home create an eye-catching look, no matter the style.Whether modern or traditional, log cabins have unique facades and profiles that make them appealing to a variety of style preferences. 90008 90007 90052 A loft space: 90053 Many log cabin home plans incorporate a loft space. Some homeowners use this area as an office space, a spare bedroom or an entertaining area. The loft often flows into a common room below, providing a sense of togetherness and openness to your log cabin. 90008 90007 90052 Feature ceilings: 90053 With a loft space or A-frame cabin comes beautiful high ceilings that are vaulted for an added touch of detail.The result is an impressive and airy space that can let in even more natural light with the large windows. 90008 90007 90052 Handcrafted touches: 90053 Log homes put quality craftsmanship on display, and that’s evident in every detail. From handcrafted stairs to cut timbers in a vaulted ceiling, these components are common and beautiful features of log homes. 90008 90045 90004 As you search for log home plans, consider which of the above features may be right your style or vision.These elements can help narrow down your options from an array of log cabin designs to find your perfect home. 90005 90074 5 Benefits of Log Homes 90075 90004 Log cabins are gorgeous, and they also come with plenty of benefits to you as a homeowner. From money-saving features to advantages that improve your quality of life every day, the benefits that come with owning and living in a log house make it a desirable style choice. Five benefits you can look forward to when you choose a log cabin plan for your home include: 90005 90006 90007 90052 Better acoustics: 90053 Many find living in a log house comes with pleasant acoustics.The walls are thick and textured, and because of that, they can help keep out loud noises or reduce the echo inside. You may not consider the acoustics of your home too much, but if your log house is great at reducing echoes and loud noises, you’ll be happy not to notice. 90008 90007 90052 Better air quality: 90053 The wooden logs of a cabin help to purify the air and control humidity. You’ll cut down on the need for a dehumidifier, humidifier or air purifier when your walls keep the atmosphere in your home just right.Those with allergies often find relief in log cabins thanks to this benefit. 90008 90007 90052 Sustainability: 90053 If you work with a sustainable builder for your log cabin, you’ll be using a reliable and renewable resource to create your home. Using standing dead timber is a great way to incorporate building materials that reduce your cabin’s environmental impact. You can work with a builder who is dedicated to green practices to create a home that’s even more sustainable. 90008 90007 90052 Energy efficiency: 90053 With proper building practices and seals at various points of your cabin, a log home can be more energy efficient than other homes.You may be able to save on heating and cooling costs over time when you choose this style of home. 90008 90007 90052 Durability: 90053 Log homes are built to last. With sturdy building materials and smart building designs, log cabins have been known to stand for hundreds of years. You’ll feel safe in your log home and know that you’ll be able to pass it down for generations to come. 90008 90023 90004 Many homeowners who live in log houses also find that they feel more tranquil and at ease in their homes.Log cabins and log home styles have a secluded feel that makes every day feel like a vacation. 90005 90074 Types of Log Home Plans 90075 90004 Family Home Plans works in partnership with architects, building designers and other stakeholders in the building design industry to put together a collection of more than 30,000 home plans. We have various types of log home plans, including: 90005 90028 90007 Log home plans with garages 90008 90007 Log home plans for vacation 90008 90007 Log home plans with loft space 90008 90007 Log home plans with master suites 90008 90007 Log home plans with vaulted ceilings 90008 90007 Luxury log home plans 90008 90007 Cottage-style log home plans 90008 90007 Log cabin plans 90008 90045 90004 Find the perfect log home or cabin designs as you plan your dream home when you search with us.Building your own home is filled with plenty of decisions. Our goal is to help make the process a bit easier with our array of pre-designed options. 90005 90074 3 Examples of Log Home Plans 90075 90004 Log home designs are surprisingly versatile, coming in a wide variety of styles and sizes with an equally generous range of added features â € «from garages to carports. At Family Home Plans, we have an extensive catalog of log cabin floor plans. Here are three examples of log homes we’ve designed: 90005 90158 1.The Country Style: Log Style House Plan 43211 90159 90004 This two-level log cabin design features 955 square feet of porch space that wraps around the first level of the home. Cozy up by the fireplace included in this country-style plan, which also includes these specs: 90005 90028 90007 Two bedrooms 90008 90007 One full bath 90008 90007 A one-car carport 90008 90007 1,054 square feet of living area 90008 90007 732 square feet of bonus space 90008 90045 90004 If your plot of land is primarily wooded or you do not have much yard space to work with, the wrap around porch provides plenty of outdoor space to use.Add an outdoor dining space in front of the house for a pleasant entertaining space close to the kitchen. The covered carport adds convenience and protects your car, while the covered entrance leading into the home near the kitchen makes grocery trips and outings on rainy days much easier. 90005 90158 2. The Tiny Home: Log Style House Plan 6024 90159 90004 Tiny living has been on-trend in recent years, and the charming style of a log home emphasizes the cozy feel of a tiny home. Log Style House Plan 6024 keeps things simple for the perfect tiny retreat.Whether you’re working with a small plot of land or want to make a change from a traditional living space, consider this design that includes: 90005 90028 90007 One bedroom 90008 90007 60 square feet of loft space 90008 90007 201 square feet of total living area 90008 90045 90004 The first level of this tiny home can hold your living necessities without the need to save space for your bed, thanks to the open loft above. The 60 square foot loft area is the perfect place to keep your mattress in this tiny home cabin.90005 90004 With 61 square feet of covered porch, you can extend your livable space during warm seasons to sit outside and enjoy the scenery around you. This plan would also be great for those with a larger property looking for a secluded and unique guest space, which you can adjust as you’d like with a free modification estimate from our team. 90005 90158 3. The Craftsman: Log Style House Plan 43214 90159 90004 Celebrate the natural materials of your log home with this Craftsman option. The roofline incorporates log details, and the facade combines them with textured stone touches.This option is perfect for larger families or those who want a guest space in their home. In this design plan, you’ll find: 90005 90028 90007 Three bedrooms 90008 90007 Two full baths 90008 90007 1,416 square feet of living area 90008 90045 90004 Each of the three bedrooms in the design could comfortably fit double beds. The master features a large closet and a conveniently attached bathroom, which has space for a shower, tub and double vanity. The other two bedrooms across the hall are next to a full bathroom, which also features two sinks for ultimate convenience.90005 90004 With 348 square feet of porch space in the front and back of the home, Plan 43214 would create an ideal home for a lot surrounded by nature. The master bedroom features outdoor access, and so does the laundry room, which provides a convenient mudroom area for days spent outside. 90005 90004 While this log cabin plan does not include a garage or carport, we’d be happy to provide a free modification estimate for that addition or other changes you’d like to see for this plan. 90005 90074 Log Homes FAQ 90075 90004 With log cabin floor plans and other possible designs in mind, you may have a few more questions about log homes as you make your decision.We’ve gathered a few frequently asked questions about log homes to help you understand more about the building process and what makes log homes a great choice: 90005 90158 What Logs Are Best for Log Homes? 90159 90004 It may feel like there are as many wood species out there as there are styles of log cabin homes, which may make choosing the right variety for your home feel intimidating. An experienced builder will be able to suggest the right materials for your needs, but in general, they’ll consider factors like these: 90005 90028 90007 Choosing wood species that grow near the location of your home provides more reasonably priced options.90008 90007 Dense, slow-growing trees create strong building materials that crack less as the log dries for use in a cabin. 90008 90007 Trees that have fallen or are cut in winter will have lower sap levels, reducing the risk of mold. 90008 90045 90004 The location of your home is one of the more significant factors used in picking the right logs for your cabin or house. In the eastern United States, white and red pines or cedar are popular options, while the southeast features plenty of white and yellow pine for log homes.In the central states, white and yellow pine are also popular, along with cedar and hardwoods rather than soft. The West Coast has plenty of red cedar, spruce and fir for its log homes. 90005 90004 Even when you consider your location, you still have plenty of log options. Be sure to work with an experienced log home builder to help you make the right choice. 90005 90158 Are Log Homes Cheaper Than Regular Homes? 90159 90004 It’s difficult to give a definitive answer to whether log homes are cheaper than ones made with other construction materials.Pricing depends on the size, layout and style of your log home and where you source the materials from. 90005 90004 Many say a regular home is cheaper than a log home, but that depends on the amenities inside and other features. If you’d like to save money on the design of your home, choosing a pre-made plan from Family Home Plans will be cheaper than a from-scratch original design. 90005 90158 Is It Better to Build a New Log Home or to Buy? 90159 90004 While you could buy an existing log home, this option does not give you the same level of flexibility and customization you get when you build a new home.When you build new, you get to choose the land for your home, a floor plan that meets your needs and an exterior and interior that suit your tastes. Building a new log home can fill you with a sense of pride after you bring your dream to life and can then pass it down through generations to come. 90005 90158 Do You Need Blueprints to Build a Log Home? 90159 90004 You would not want to build a piece of complex furniture without the instructions, so it follows that builders need blueprints to create your home.Floor plans serve as a simplified visualization tool for the future homeowner, but builders need detailed specs, which we provide when you purchase a design. 90005 90158 How Many Sets of Blueprints Are Needed to Build a Log Home? 90159 90004 There is not a set number of blueprints you need because it depends on who’s working on your project. In general, you’ll want to have a copy for yourself, one for your builder, one for the bank and one for every contractor and subcontractor. Speak with your builder about their needs to know for sure how many sets of blueprints you need.90005 90074 Why Family Home Plans? 90075 90004 We’re committed to helping as many homeowners as we can to transform their dream into a reality. We do so by providing the largest collection of house plans at the best prices available online. Our online search system offers you the following benefits: 90005 90028 90007 90052 Time and cost savings: 90053 With our search functions, you can find the type of home plan you want within a few seconds. Such speed will enable you to save precious time and resources.You’ll also cut costs by finding a stock home design that will save you 80% of the cost of hiring an architect to draw a plan for you. 90008 90007 90052 Price match guarantee: 90053 If you find any other site that’s offering the same plan for a lower price, we’ll give you a 5% discount on it. 90008 90007 90052 Ability to customize plans: 90053 Our home plans are not set in stone. You can easily request a modification that meets your unique needs and suits your lifestyle. Email us with a plan you’re considering, specific changes you’d like to see and other details for a free modification estimate.90008 90045 90074 How to Choose a Log Cabin Home Plan 90075 90004 The process of searching for your log home plan is now fast and convenient with our user-friendly search service. With a few simple details, you can find the exact type of log home plan you want within minutes. You can browse the log homes above if you are not sure what you’re looking for, but if you have an idea, our search and advanced search options can help you narrow down the results. 90005 90004 To refine your search with more specifications, use the search form on this page.Specify the number of bedrooms and bathrooms you’re searching for, as well as other features like the number of stories and garage bays. Use the advanced search to narrow down the results even more with options like the garage type, bonus rooms and more. You can also give us a call now to learn more about any of the plans we offer. 90005 90074 Browse Log Home Plans 90075 90004 Ready to find the design that will become your future log home? Explore the styles above for something that’s sure to suit your tastes.With 100 years of experience designing homes, we’ve got an option for every style, need and price range. 90005 90004 If you’ve found a plan you like or have questions about a design, contact us today at 800-482-0464. We’d be happy to answer any questions about our log home plans or modifications you’d like to make to create a home that perfectly suits your lifestyle. 90005 .90000 Projects of houses from logs 90001 90002 Projects of houses from logs. 90003 90004 Start building with the project! 90005 90004 1. Choose a project or send us a sketch. 90005 90004 2. We calculate the volume of materials and cost today. 90005 90004 3. If you like the price, we will prepare the project and specification. We will do this for you for free! 90005 90004 Now you can contract and build. 90005 90004 Finishing a wooden house in the Russian style (photo project of the 19th century) 90005 90016 You can order a project of a wooden house, sabmit you project, or choose an existing project in the archive by contacting the Best House office on the coordinates indicated on the contacts page.The company «Best House» has been designing for many years. There are a lot of projects in our archive. For the construction of a wooden house from a rounded log or profiled square log and the production of a complete set of parts for a house, it is necessary to create working design documentation necessary for the correct cutting of the material. Therefore, in our production there are architects, which are engaged in the development of working documentation for production. To start designing, enough sketches of facades and floor plans of the future house.Usually, customers find the right project on the Internet. Currently, the Internet has a whole sea of ​​projects for every taste. Almost always the customer asks to make changes to the project, which he found on the Internet: change the layout, move the wall, change the facade or the roof. The customer can express his wishes by phone or e-mail and coordinate all the changes remotely. In order to order a project and conclude a contract for the client needs to come to the company’s office. So there is a unique project.The finished project and the construction contract are signed by the parties and the production of sets of parts for the house begins. 90005 90016 90005 90016 House project 57 м2 90005 90016 House project 69 м2 90005 90016 House project 77,3 м2 90005 90016 House project 84 м2 90005 90016 90005 90016 90005 90016 90005 90016 90005 90016 90005 90016 90005 90016 90005 90016 90005 90016 90005 90016 House project 85 м2 90005 90016 House project 86 м2 90005 90016 House project 88 м2 90005 90016 House project 96 м2 90005 90016 90005 90016 90005 90016 90005 90016 90005 90016 90005 90016 90005 90016 90005 90016 90005 90016 90005 90016 House project 97 м2 90005 90016 House project 101 м2 90005 90016 House project 106 м2 90005 90016 House project 110 м2 90005 90016 90005 90016 90005 90016 90005 90016 90005 90016 90005 90016 90005 90016 90005 90016 90005 90016 90005 90016 House project 117 м2 90005 90016 House project 127 м2 90005 90016 House project 130,5 м2 90005 90016 House project 131 м2 90005 90016 90005 90016 90005 90016 90005 90016 90005 90016 90005 90016 90005 90016 90005 90016 90005 90016 House project 135 м2 90005 90016 House project 155 м2 90005 90016 House project 159 м2 90005 90016 House project 168 м2 90005 90016 90005 90016 90005 90016 90005 90016 90005 90016 90005 90016 90005 90016 90005 90016 90005 90016 House project 170 м2 90005 90016 House project 174 м2 90005 90016 House project 177 м2 90005 90016 House project 177,9 м2 90005 90016 90005 90016 90005 90016 90005 90016 90005 90016 90005 90016 90005 90016 90005 90016 90005 90016 House project 190 м2 90005 90016 Projects of houses from logs with an area of ​​more than 200 m2 90005 90016 90005 90016 90005 90016 90005.

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